• Can be used on various automated analyzers
  • Ready-to-use liquid reagent
  • Urine samples can be measured without pretreatment
  • *This package insert follows the Pharmaceuticals, Medical devices and Other Therapeutic Products Act of Japan.


*Read carefully the package insert before use.

Basic Performance Date

On Hitachi 7180:

Within-run Reproducibility

  Measurement Value (ng/mL)
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
n 10 10 10
Mean 10.2 50.3 101.9
S.D. 0.28 0.50 1.47
CV (%) 2.75 0.99 1.44
Max. 10.5 51.3 104.0
Min. 9.7 49.7 98.9

On-board Stability

On-board stability may differ depending on the type of analyzer and measured environment. Run quality control as necessary when using this product.

On-board Stability

Detection Limit

Detection Limit




  Volume added Measured value(ng/mL)
Base Sample Spiked Sample
Unconjugated Bilirubin 20mg/dL 10.2 10.1
38.7 40.0
Conjugated Bilirubin 20mg/dL 10.0 9.6
38.2 40.5
Hemoglobin 500mg/dL 7.3 7.5
39.4 40.4
Chyle 2000 FTU 8.0 7.5
40.1 38.9
Glucose 4000mg/dL 6.7 6.3
37.3 37.4
Ascorbic Acid* 300mg/dL 8.1 7.2
100mg/dL 47.8 53.2

  • *Ascorbic Acid may affect results from around 100mg/dL depending on the sample.



Measurement Range

1.0-200 ng/mL


Additional information

L-FABP Buffer Solution 1

1×18mL, Storage: 2-10℃

L-FABP Latex Reagent 2

1×7mL, Storage: 2-10℃

L-FABP Calibrator*

5 conc. × 1.0 mL, Storage: 2-10℃

L-FABP Control*

3 × 2 conc. × 1.0 mL, Storage: 2-10℃

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