• Marketing Approval Number: 21200AMZ00424000
  • Measurement unit: R.U. (RPR UNITS) for the reagent, which is based on the WHO international standard
  • 1 R.U. is equivalent to the value using the RPR card method.
    • *This package insert follows the Pharmaceuticals, Medical devices and Other Therapeutic Products Act of Japan.


*Read carefully the package insert before use.

Performance Data

Measurement flow diagram (With Hitachi 7170 Automated Analyzer)

Measurement flow diagram (With Hitachi 7170 Automated Analyzer)

Reference Data (With Hitachi 7170 Automated Analyzer)

Calibration curve

Calibration curve

Within-run reproducibility

  Sample A Sample B Sample C
n 10.0 10.0 10.0
Mean 0.8 2.1 6.8
S.D. 0.1 0.1 0.1
C.V.(%) 8.0 3.1 1.9

Dilution linearity

Dilution linearity




Additional information

MEDIACE RPR (A) | Buffer Solusion

2×18mL, Storage: 2-8℃

MEDIACE RPR (A) | Latex Suspension

1×12mL, Storage: 2-8℃

MEDIACE RPR (M) | Buffer Solusion

1×60mL, Storage: 2-8℃

MEDIACE RPR (M) | Latex Suspension

1×20mL, Storage: 2-8℃

RPR Standard Serum * (5 concentrations) | Syphilis Positive Human Serum

1×5conc.×1mL, Storage: 2-8℃

RPR Control* | RPR Control (Positive)

2×Positive×1mL, Storage: 2-8℃

RPR Control* | RPR Control (Negative)

2×Negative×1mL, Storage: 2-8℃

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