Nanopia P-FDP

  • Suitable for use with plasma or serum- uses a monoclonal antibody specific to the D fraction of FDP.
  • Total FDP is always higher than the D-dimer value (when using Nanopia D-dimer).
  • *This package insert follows the Pharmaceuticals, Medical devices and Other Therapeutic Products Act of Japan.


*Read carefully the package insert before use.

Performance Data

Within-run reproducibility


  Sample 1 Sample 2
1 3.5 9.5
2 3.6 9.5
3 3.5 9.4
4 3.4 9.3
5 3.5 9.5
6 3.5 9.3
7 3.5 9.4
8 3.6 9.5
9 3.5 9.3
10 3.5 9.4
Mean 3.5 9.4
S.D. 0.06 0.09
C.V. (%) 1.6 1.0
Max. 3.6 9.5
Min. 3.4 9.3
Range 0.2 0.2

On-Board Stability (After Reconstitution)

[on Coapresta 2000]

On-Board Stability (After Reconstitution)


  Concentration Measured Value(µg/mL)
Base Plasma Including Interfering Substance
Unconjugated Bilirubin 20mg/dL 2.70 2.80
Conjugated Bilirubin 20mg/dL 2.80 2.80
Hemoglobin 500mg/dL 2.12 2.14
Chyle 2500 FTU 2.17 2.04




1) Correlation between serum and plasma

2) Correlation between SEKISUI and existing product

Assay Procedure on Corepresta 2000

Assay Procedure on Corepresta 2000

Nanopia P-FDP

Additional information

Nanopia P-FDP | P-FDP Buffer Solution 1

1×10.5mL, Storage: 2-10℃

Nanopia P-FDP | P-FDP Latex Reagent 2

1×10mL, Storage: 2-10℃

FDP Calibrator N*

1×5conc.×0.5mL(lyophilized), Storage: 2-10℃

FDP Control*

3×2conc.×1mL(lyophilized), Storage: 2-10℃

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